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Multi-Agency Toolkit

The tools and interventions here are for use by any practitioner or volunteer working with children, young people and families and many can be used as soon as concerns emerge.

Child Exploitation

Child Protection Conferences

Domestic Abuse

Early Help

For early help tools and forms go to Early Help Forms/Tools – Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (

For child’s voice tools and forms please go to Child’s Voice Tools – Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (

Early Years



Information Sharing

Joint Activity Pathway 2021: Children and adult services

The pathway has been developed to support effective partnership working between children’s and adult services to safeguard children, young people, and unborn babies whose parents/carers have additional needs that may affect parent capacity.

Mental health and wellbeing in education

This webpage aims to provide educational settings in Oxfordshire with information and guidance to support the implementation of effective whole-school approaches to mental health and wellbeing.

Targeting professionals working in and with schools, this page also seeks to enable children, parents/carers and school staff access to relevant mental health and wellbeing support.

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment & Management Plan (MARAMP)

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment & Management Plan (MARAMP) Practice Guidance 

Multi-Agency Chronology (MAC)


Link to neglect home page for further tools and guidance on neglect

Oxfordshire County Council: Practitioner Toolkit

The Practitioner Toolkit contains information and tools for issues arising in work with children, young people and families.

This page contains resources on concerns which might arise while helping a child or family, organised by topics, linked to searches for local organisations which can support work around that topic. Links to national services, helplines and information resources are also included.

All resources on this page are free to use by anyone who has a concern about a child or family.

Pre-birth assessment

Professionals Only Meetings

Safeguarding Conversations/Supervision

Safeguarding Self-Assessment

Schools should visit the Schools Safeguarding webpages for the audit form and guidance specific to schools

Early Years settings and childminders should complete the Safeguarding Self-Assessment for Childcare Settings. You can find out more information about it here: Early Years Foundation Stage safeguarding and welfare requirements | Oxfordshire County Council

Threshold of Needs

Oxfordshire Threshold of Needs 2022, guidance document to identify strengths, needs and risks for the whole family and suggest next steps.

Oxfordshire Threshold of Needs Windscreen

Transportation Joint Operating Framework

Joint Operating Framework for Transportation and Taxi Licensing in Oxfordshire – June 22

This framework was commissioned by the OSCB’s Child Sexual Exploitation Sub-Group, now the Child Exploitation Sub-Group. It provides a single set of minimum standards for organisations within Oxfordshire who have responsibility for transporting children and adults with care and support needs. This includes topics such as vetting, training, awareness raising, information sharing, policy alignment, enforcement activity and monitoring arrangements for transportation