New ‘day in my life’ tools for working with neglect
Both national and local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews into child neglect have highlighted the need to gain an understanding of the child’s lived experience. In order to meet the needs of the child it is necessary to understand what a day is like in their lives; how the day changes at weekends or holidays; and when different people care for them. It is only by understanding their daily lived experience that practitioners can appreciate how various aspects of neglect are affecting the child.
Day in my life tools aim to help practitioners gain a better understanding of what is happening in families where neglect is an issue and what actions may lead to improved outcomes for children.
There are different versions of the tool, specifically written for the following cohorts of children:
- Day in my life – Baby
- Day in my life – Pre-school Child
- Day in my life – Child
- Day in my life – Child with disabilities
- Day in my life – Adolescent
Designed to be used alongside parents or with children (where age and development appropriate), they can act as a starting point for a conversation or as a useful list of questions to help form a view of the day to day care of a child. They can highlight areas of strength in the parenting and also areas in need of development.