Pre-birth assessment procedure and guidance for practitioners
Pre- birth assessments are a proactive means of analysing the potential need, harm, and risk to an unborn baby before and after birth. A pre-birth assessment is required when there are worries about an expectant parent, and/or the birth father/partner, and where appropriate, immediate family.
The OSCB multi-agency pre-birth procedure sets out how to respond to concerns for unborn babies, with an emphasis on clear and regular communication between professionals working with the expectant parents, and family. All professionals have a role in identifying and assessing families in need of additional support or where there are safeguarding concerns. In the vast majority of situations during a pregnancy, there will be no safeguarding concerns. However, in some cases it will be clear that a co-ordinated response by agencies will be required to ensure that the appropriate support is in place during the pregnancy to best protect the baby before and following birth.
The following pre-birth assessment practice guidance has been developed to ensure that all practitioners fully understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to pre-birth assessment.
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