Worried about exploitation? new resource for education settings
If you have concerns about any kind of exploitation of children, you can access information and support using a new guide created by Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board and Oxfordshire Children’s Services.
“I think the people trying to help us at a frontline level, did their best” – Karla
Developed in response to the Child Safeguarding Practice Review for Jacob, it has been produced with the participation of schools and education settings across Oxfordshire, and the involvement of professionals across a range of agencies working with children, young people and families.
The guide provides information to support children and families who are impacted by exploitation. This could be criminal, sexual, or any other kind of exploitation. It provides support for a coordinated multi-agency response to exploitation.
In the 2020/21 Section 157/175 Annual Safeguarding Review, 76% of settings reported that staff did not have a clear understanding of contextual safeguarding. We hope that this practical guide for education settings will help to increase awareness and understanding of the indicators and risks, and support staff to complete the appropriate assessments and take appropriate action.