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NEGLECT eLearning

Date: Wednesday, 16th Nov 2022 | Category: General

Why should you know about Neglect?

In Oxfordshire, neglect is the most common reason for children becoming subject to a child protection plan or repeat plan and is a common feature in the county’s recent serious case reviews. It is difficult to define and often co-exists with other forms of abuse. Apart from being potentially fatal, neglect causes great distress to children and affects their well-being in the short and long term.

It can be difficult to first identify and then work with neglect – this eLearning course will give you an overview of the issues involved and should help you to do both. This in turn, will help to enable you to intervene early and support families to improve outcomes for children experiencing, or at risk of, neglect. The course explores:

  • Some signs and potential indicators of neglect
  • Who could you approach once you have identified that you have a concern around neglect and you need to talk to someone about it?
  • Which groups of children can potentially be more vulnerable to abuse and neglect than other groups?
  • How to approach a child’s parent or carer, or indeed, the child themselves about potential neglect and how to find the right words to use
  • Suggestions of local tools and resources available to help you to identify and work with neglect

To access the eLearning course, please follow the link OSCB Neglect eLearning