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Have your say on Oxfordshire’s Safeguarding Arrangements: Frontline worker and volunteer survey

Date: Wednesday, 29th Nov 2023 | Category: General

As part of Oxfordshire’s Annual Safeguarding Self-Assessment, we are asking everyone working directly with Oxfordshire’s children and/or adults with care and support needs, to complete a short survey to help us assess the effectiveness of our strategic safeguarding arrangements.

Let’s Talk – Frontline Worker and Volunteer Survey 

This is your opportunity to tell us of whether what we’re doing at a strategic level is actually improving safeguarding practice at the frontline, including training, learning and development, working together, responding to safeguarding issues and the safeguarding boards.

The survey should take no more than 10 minutes, returns are all confidential and anonymous and we will share the results in the Spring/Early Summer.

We would like to improve on last year’s response, so please share LINK far and wide .

Thank you for your support