Have your say about how to improve oral health and dental services for Oxfordshire residents?
The below questionnaire is aimed at any professional working within, in contact or partnership with a range of oral health promotion/improvement services and NHS dental services in Oxfordshire. The Public Health team would like to hear your views on current services offered in the county, as well as explore ways that these could be improved to better meet the needs of Oxfordshire’s residents. The survey will be open until 30th April 2023 and takes around 15 minutes to complete.
The team are also interested to hear views from professionals working with individuals who are likely to be at higher risk of having poor Oral Health, for example:
- Early years and children
- Children and older adults in care facilities
- Children and adults with special needs and disabilities
- Homeless
- Travellers
- Looked after children (in Foster Care/Children’s Homes etc)
Results of this survey will go on to inform how Oxfordshire County Council will commission services that focus on the prevention of poor oral health. This is part of an Oral Health Needs Assessment that is currently being completed for Oxfordshire by PHAST on behalf of Oxfordshire County Council’s Public Health Team– please contact c@pyper.net for more information about this.
A link to the survey can be found here: https://letstalk.oxfordshire.gov.uk/oral-health-stakeholder-survey
There is also a survey aimed at the General Public. This link is as follows: https://letstalk.oxfordshire.gov.uk/oxfordshire-oral-health-needs-assessment