Barnardo’s launch new Real Love Rocks Primary, Secondary & SEND Educational Resources
Barnardo’s knows that much more needs to be done to protect children from Child Sexual Abuse, Exploitation and Online Harms, so is excited to be launching the second edition of its educational programme, Real Love Rocks, with support from the NWG.
Watch the Real Love Rocks promo video now
The second edition of Real Love Rocks Healthy Relationships and Exploitation Educational Resources have been produced with the new statutory Relationships and Sex Education guidance in mind. They cover lots of the issues covered in the updated Keeping Safe in Education 2022 and have been designed in collaboration with young people bravely sharing their stories.
The resources have been designed to help teachers and other professionals educate and talk to children and young people about difficult issues such as consent, grooming, mental health and wellbeing, technology, bullying, pornography, sexual harassment and appropriate and inappropriate relationships.
Barnardo’s originally launched Real Love Rocks in 2014 and has updated and refreshed the resources to reflect and raise awareness of different types of abuse and exploitation that children and young people may experience today such as child sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, criminal exploitation, radicalisation and extremism.
The resource packs can be purchased by schools and other universal settings working with children and young people and include animations and activities to aid interactive discussion about Children’s Rights, Feelings, Brains and Bodies, healthy Relationships, Being Safe and the Online world in an age-appropriate manner.
As a trauma informed programme there is a new emphasis on all children and young people learning about emotional regulation, creating a support network of safe and trusted people and developing kindness, understanding and empathy for both themselves and others.
Primary and Secondary Real Love Rocks Healthy Relationships and Exploitation Educational Resources are available now, with a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) edition available later in 2023.
In order to make the resources as accessible as possible, with the collaboration of the Manchester Deaf Centre, we have translated all the Secondary animations into British Sign Language and added subtitles. Primary animations will be translated and subtitled soon as well.
The packs are designed to be self-explanatory, and no mandatory training is needed for their delivery; however, the team have developed a FREE ‘How To’ webinar which is available on the website and will take you through everything you need to know and useful tips on delivering the programme.
Resources can be ordered via Barnardo’s website