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OSCB ‘big day of learning’ 30th June 2021 – register for sessions now!

Date: Friday, 18th Jun 2021 | Category: General

What’s the ‘big day of learning’ all about?

On 30th June we will be running an online day of learning with a mix of live webinars, pre-recorded events and interactive Sway, to share learning and resources, reflect on areas for improvement and celebrate good practice across the partnership.

Our keynote speaker for the day is Annie Hudson, Chair of the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel. Live and recorded sessions will be lead by speakers from across police, education, health, children’s social care and the voluntary and community sector.

In our first live webinar session on the day, ‘Improving our practice through learning from reviews’, Annie will give an overview of the panel’s Annual Report 2020: Patterns in practice, key messages and 2021 work programme, and give the national perspective on effective learning, emerging themes and concerns that require closer inspection.

Annie will be followed by Lara Patel, Deputy Director for safeguarding who will present the learning from local rapid reviews and child safeguarding practice reviews, provide a window on the Oxfordshire system and highlight key points. Hannah Farncombe, Deputy Director for Children’s Social Care, will close the morning session with a presentation reflecting on what local reviews tell us about our practice, and challenging us to ‘rethink’ our approaches to recurring themes and to build on our strengths.

Our second live webinar session, ‘The science of wellbeing‘, invites practitioners to take some time out for themselves. During these challenging times, we all need to ensure we take time for ourselves, to help build resilience and manage the challenges we face in both work and our personal lives.

Session Facilitator Adrian Bethune is a part time primary school teacher, the Education Policy co-lead at the Mindfulness Initiative and founder of Teachappy. He was awarded a ‘Happy Hero’ medal in 2012 for his work on developing wellbeing in schools.

In this session, Adrian will introduce you to the science of wellbeing (sometimes known as positive psychology), sharing the evidence of what works and giving practical ideas for applying it to their lives. It will cover rewiring the negativity bias, maintaining perspective, mindfulness, generating positive emotions and gratitude.

Our third live webinar session is focussed on providing ‘The right help at the right time’. Lead by Emma Leaver, Service Director for Oxford Health NHSFT and DI Pete Scott, Thames Valley Police Child Abuse Investigation Unit, it will consider the learning from partnership reviews and think about the knowledge, support, skills and resources practitioners need to identify, name and act on early concerns.

Our final live webinar session is an ‘Introduction to the mental health pathway’ to support effective partnership working between children’s and adult services, facilitated by Julia Cartwright, Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and Oxford Health Named Doctor for Safeguarding Adults and Maria Godfrey, Head of Early Help, MASH and Assessment – Children’s Social Care. It will provide an overview of  the development of the pathway, resources to help practitioners “think family” when completing assessments or to support practice, introduce prompts to help consider whether the child/children’s needs are being met by parents/carers and look at how the pathway can be used in practice.

All the above sessions are now available to book on the OSCB training system

In addition to the live webinars, the following recorded webinars will be available to view on the training system from 9am on the 30th June:

  • Spotlight on an unseen child: learning from the serious case review for Child K OSCB webinar delivered by Alison Chapman (Designated Nurse, OCCG) and Jo Goodey (Education Inclusion Manager)
  • Untouchable worlds: learning from the child safeguarding practice review for Jacob, OSCB webinar delivered by Sarah Holtom (Independent Reviewer and Social Worker)
  • Domestic Abuse Act 2021: A summary of some of the major changes this pivotal legislation will make in the UK, webinar delivered by Stewart McInroy (Reducing the Risk)

A ‘Day of learning’ Sway e-resource will also be available on the OSCB website from 9am on the 30th June, containing safeguarding information, guidance and links to short videos, learning summaries, reports and more.

Please see this ‘day of learning’ flyer for further info including timings of the live sessions.

We hope you can join us!