What To Do About Bullying
Bullying can happen to anyone at any age. Being bullied at school, home or online might involve someone pushing you, hitting you, teasing you, talking about you or calling you names. No one has the right to hurt you or make you feel bad, and if you are being bullied you don’t have to put up with it, you can talk to someone about it.
Bullying often happens in school or on the journey to and from school, but it can also happen in other places and in different ways including online. Just like bullying in school, it can involve name calling, threats, insults, hitting, kicking punching or other violence. It might also include having your belongings taken from you.
Oxfordshire Schools Anti-Bullying webpages contain information and guidance about bullying including resources for you to use. These include information and guidance on the following types of bullying:
- internet safety and cyberbullying
- homophobic, bi-phobic and transphobic bullying
- racism, religion and culture
- sexism and sexual bullying
- special needs and disability bullying
Useful Links and Publications
- Anti-Bullying Alliance: Provides teachers and other practitioners working with children and young people with a bank of resources for addressing bullying behaviour and discussing bullying and related issues
- Childline – Information and advice on bullying and how to get help
- Family Lives is a national charity providing information and support for parent/carers on a range of issues including bullying. They run a 24 hour free helpline on 0808 800 2222.
- Kidscape: Helpful advice and information to prevent and tackle bullying